When Boredom Strikes-- Things to Occupy The Mind

Boredom is one of the most frustrating emotions of all. It conveys a lack of creativity and inspiration, motivation and often leads to the horrendous feeling of hopelessness and restlessness. When it gets particularly extreme we will use Google for answers on how to cure it and each site gives similar answers. That's why I'm here to hopefully give you something to occupy your mind at home with what you already have or what can be delivered to your house through online shopping. A little something different to keep you away from opening and closing social media apps every ten minutes.

1.Write handwritten letters.

It may seem cringey but in this day and age we spend so much time texting and frequently using emojis and abbreviations to depict what we're trying to say and it's not always as thoughtful as we think it is. 

Write to a friend who lives far away, a parent or pen-pall, updating on what you've been doing recently and what you're thinking about, what you want to achieve in the future and ask about them and how they've been. It may seem outdated but it's nice to see someone has put the effort into communicating with you. It's almost like opening fan-mail. Plus, you can be creative with it and decorate your paper with highlighters, washi-tape and drawings. Be as childish or as unique as you like.

If you have nobody you'd like to write with, journalling is a great way of letting your thoughts out and lightens the burden weighing you down just a little bit. In the future you can look back and remember old days.

2. Make candles.

The first time round this costs more money than anyone would like but all the materials you buy usually lasts a long time and makes it worthwhile. The more art supplies you have at home and tools (like decorations, essential oils, an old pan...) the easier it is when you begin.

It's not as hard as it seems and there are plenty of easy to follow YouTube tutorials to guide you through the process. You can go wild with scents and appearances of your candles. Recycle old jars or buy fancy new ones (I like to buy mine from charity shops). 

Just be very careful since you'll be around hot steam and appliances, cover your hands with oven gloves when pouring wax. If you're young, make sure to be responsible and have adult supervision.

3. Study a language.

If learning a new language is something you're interested in, there's funner ways of doing it that won't consume a whole lot of your time. It's recommended that studying a language for 30 minutes a day can be more successful than going intense and working at it for hours.

Most of us will know of Duolingo, a website and app that gives us access to many languages and levels from beginner to expert, and teaches us in a thorough game-like manner that's efficient and doesn't feel like studying. It keeps track of process and you can decide how much you'd like to achieve in  a day.

Besides, it's good to have something extra to include on your CV. 

4. Listen to Podcasts or watch educational videos or Interviews.

Similarly to number 3, I think it can be good to educate yourself a little bit when boredom fails to go away. There's no harm in it and should be encouraged. It doesn't have to feel like school, you can learn in subtle ways that's entertaining and piques your interest.

Watch your favourite celebrities talk about their lives and achievements, watch a TedTalk, listen to experts analyse there area of specialization on the YouTube channel WIRED or the middle ground debates on the channel Jubilee. There's plenty out there.

5. Watch those films that have been on your Netflix watch list for too long.

Clean up your Watch list by either watching or removing all the things that have been collecting dust. Are you really going to watch that or is it going to mock you for another year? Don't be picky. Watch or watch it go.

6. Listen to albums that have been released this year.

Whether they're a new artist or an old one having a comeback, it's interesting to hear what sounds are trending and what ones are reviving. Of course, if there's an artist or band you don't like, don't listen to what they've released. This helps you find undiscovered bands and hidden gems in the music industry. 

7. Do some creative writing.

Write a short story, a poem, or a song. If ideas aren't coming to you, there are thousands of prompts available across the internet that could get the creative juices flowing. There's a whole writing community on Instagram and Twitter, just look at the hashtags (e.g, #writingprompts). Post it on Wattpad or take a look at your old account and face spam.

8. Work out an everyday skincare routine.

Looking after your skin is important as we all know but often we don't understand that we're combining the wrong ingredients in our routines which is causing the chemicals to react, not helping us at all. Do your research into what ingredients do what for which skin-type, and what order products should be used in. This way you'll find much sooner how to take care of your skin in a more successful manner for you.

9. Think about your Zombie survival plan.

This really gets the ball rolling. What would you do if the dead started rising all of a sudden and you were stuck at home? What supplies would you grab (which are hopefully lightweight and durable), and where would you go if anywhere? It's fascinating to consider and helps the mind be prepared for events that most likely won't happen but who knows? You could end up being more prepared than most.

10. Make changes to your social media profiles.

Update your profile picture with a more recent one (even take one now and experiment with hair, make up and photography hacks), create your own background banner to compliment it and change your bio, and even your username if you like it. Try not to worry about what people think or the likes. You do you.

11. Read articles.

Keep aware of what's going on in the world, even in brief scans. It's good to be cultured and hold knowledge in things that may impact yourself or others. It's not all bad, there's good news between the lines.

12. Browse Pinterest.

Look at tattoos, hairstyles, make-up looks, art, interior design. Make boards to pin your favourites to for easy access later which helps with inspiration and can lift your mood. Think about your future home and pin images that catch your eye, pin quotes that you like, styles for future reference to take to the parlours, etc. There's loads on there and an endless stream of creativity.

13. Organise your beauty products.

It's easy for makeup to become cluttered from opening and closing so many items and putting them to the side convinced you'll sort it later. But eventually everything is a bit of a mess and disorganised. So, perhaps take the time to put everything where it belongs in a manner were everything is easy to find and kept apart. For example, all eye products in one bag/case, face products like foundations, blushers, etc together in another case. Whatever suits you. Also take the time to clean each of your brushes since it's horrible for your skin to keep using dirty ones.

14. Much needed spa night.

Treat yourself to a bath with epsom salts or bubbles, light a few candles, soak in silence or listen to the soft hum of music, wash your body and hair (exfoliate with a nice scrub), apply a hair mask and get in your comfiest pajamas after moisturising. Wait the recommended time to rinse out your hair mask and now apply a face mask and pretty much do the same. Sit back and chill. Do whatever you like best to pamper yourself. Do your nails. Put on your humidifier or spray your room with a nice scent and recline on a blanket or arrangement of pillows. Watch a movie or a tv show. Now breathe.

15. Meditate.

It's a good way to relax a stressful mind and can also help some people get to sleep. Morning or night, take a few minutes to focus on your breathing and attempt to block out all distractions. Follow guides on YouTube if you're uncertain of the best techniques. Then do a little stretching, open your window for fresh air (if it's morning) before continuing on with your day/night.

16. Play video games.

I'm admittedly not the greatest at games and don't play often myself, I also have a short attention span, but there's tons of games out there across tons of consoles for everyone to enjoy. At the moment I'm being introduced to Final Fantasy XI on the PS4 and it's a funky game. (Vivi is adorable.) Animal Crossing is soaring in popularity once again with most choosing to play on the Nintendo Switch. It's a good way to pass time.

17. Create wish-lists for online shops.

Browse online shops for clothes, accessories, books, collectables, anything at all and create wish-lists for future reference. It helps you remember things you may need to buy or things you might want to treat yourself with when you can. Re-invent yourself, have this 'glow up' you desire and take mental notes on the sites which sell things for the most affordable price.

18. Start that blog or YouTube channel you've been contemplating.

It doesn't matter if you have self-doubts or it doesn't get the immediate attention you desire. Do it for yourself and because you need something to do that will get you thinking. As of right now, I have no fans for this blog but I'm doing it anyway because it's enjoyable. It's not all about popularity. Write or discuss your passions, share your wisdom or adventures. If you're being creative you're doing something right.

19. Try out digital drawing or graphic design.

Mess about with it. Make whatever you want whether it be a cartoon figure, flowers, a logo, a CD or book cover. Go nuts.

20. Practice photography.

It doesn't matter if you don't have a big fancy camera. Look up tricks for taking amazing photos with your mobile phone, there's loads of surprising tips on how to make simple pics look amazing with household items or editing software (some apps which are free.)

21. Arrange your emails and files on your devices.

Probably not the most enjoyable of tasks but sometimes it really needs to be done. You'll have easier access to things that are important and you'll know exactly where everything is saved. Make folders and rename documents if you have to.

22. Make a list of places you'd like to travel to in the future.

You don't have to start planning your next holiday but it's surprising how many incredible places are out there that gets overlooked by all the other popular destinations. Watch videos and do your research, it's not time consuming but you'll often be in awe and think, "I definitely want to go there one day," and keeping note means that when people start talking about going abroad you can suggest cool places. 

Think of it as a bucket-list.  

23. Experiment with beverages.

Design your own drinks whether they be ice cold or steaming hot. Buy fruit and get out the ice-tray, mix lemonade and a small amount of elder-flower cordial. Make smoothies. Or melt your favourite kinds of chocolate into coffee or hot chocolate with some vanilla flavouring and cinnamon. You'll find that it's actually fun and it satisfying when it works out really well.

24. Cook something new.

Make honey sesame chicken or Japanese dumplings. Find a recipe and go for it. There's tons of simple recipes and tons of more advanced ones for people who are more comfortable with cooking. Make a portion for yourself alone or for your family or friends.

25. Look after your plants or invest in some.

A great supply of oxygen and they look pretty around the house or in your garden. Water or feed them the recommended amount, trim them and do some gardening if it's a nice day.


Needless to say, It'd be great if these help you in your time of boredom. I spent a while putting this list together in an attempt to deliver a few slightly different ideas than the common answers. What is your go-to when experiencing the agony of not knowing how to spend your free time?


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